Monday, October 18, 2010

team steam

In the past few years of working with theater groups I find that there is always a force who collects and drives the team, we can choose to call the person the leader or the team builder.
Ask any MBA student the qualities of a leader, they would just rattle—integrity, fairness, kindness, listening skills, having a vision the ability to motivate the ability to delegate. But one thing they do not say to empower and honor the empowerment.
Invariable the person is pretty aggressive, and focused delegates and demands that the delegation is honored.
The team leader has amazing capacity to plan and schedule, they also do it with a leash.
Organizing would also mean empowering and ensuring communication which is a large lacuna, and many a times  enquiry is equated to questioning (I must confess I’ve reacted so couple of times.) the modes of communications also vary someone could call up, some else would write, one needs to assess the situation on the urgency.
Some where along the way there is lack of empowerment and that I would translate as lack of faith or a certain amount of bigotry that there is only way to Rome.   
Even appreciation I noticed is very self-flattering, I have done it, and all of you have helped me is the underlying message, I have yet to come across a leader who would say we have done. Genuine appreciation goes a long way.
These are just my observation, thankfully I am neither a leader, nor a team worker I am a humble onlooker who has the luxury of having an opinion – which an expert is denied.

Monday, October 4, 2010


We are all great lovers of beauty we love seeing it everywhere appreciating it in others. When it comes to ourselves we somehow fail to do it, even if somebody does he/she is accused of narcissism.
We look at ourselves in the mirror with certain expectations and preconceived notions; we can only see the blemishes and short comings. Sometimes we our beauty in a shallow way noticing how well we conform to patterns, social norms but failing to se and accept the beauty within.
If we accept the beauty of who we are then we can free up so much of energy. we depend on appreciation and feed back is less, measuring to a social ideal it becomes less relevant.
The nrtya yoga helps us release this baggage within ourselves and summoning for the spirit that dwells within us. It is the heady combination of the divine spirit and the human body that convey beauty more accurate than anything else.
Surrounding ourselves with photographs of family that resemble us, with events captured in a unguarded picture, are always to put us in touch with ourselves. The best though is to look at ourselves in the mirror each morning, look into our eyes and see the beauty within, to hell with narcissism. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

the tortoise and the hare.

The tortoise and the hare.
We are all told this story as kids, how the hare lost out because he was over confident. The focus of the story is always the hare.
Just in case we do pause to give the tortoise his due its that oh! He was stead fast. It is always patronizing.
Thinking about it all the  tortoise I think deserves more credit:
·         Without the tortoise the hare would have no one to race.
·         He accepted the challenge knowing fully well that he would loose. He must have been ridiculed or counseled against committing hara-kiri
·         He gave his 100% again knowing well that he was doomed to loose.
I like to think that the Tortoise won, because he was willing to risk, he was willing to dedicate himself, and not because the Hare was over confident.